Sexy, easygoing, dorky, fun, organized and outgoing; this is how Hollywood actress Emmanuelle Vaugier describes herself. She was born on June 23, 1976

Emmanuelle Vaugier Biography

This section contains Biography of the world famous actress and celebrity Emmanuelle Vaugier

Sexy, easygoing, dorky, fun, organized and outgoing; this is how Hollywood actress Emmanuelle Vaugier describes herself. She was born on June 23, 1976 in Vancouver, British Columbia. She grew up in a French speaking family. Today, she is considered as one of Canada’s most promising hot performers.

Emmanuelle Vaugier has been seen almost all over WB. She has worked in almost 50 films and numerous television shows. Emmanuelle Vaugier is absolutely one of the hot actresses who has been a household name in Hollywood and was seen somewhere for sure. She was seen in the famous sitcom Charmed (1998) where she played as a nurse and midwife. In Smallville (2001), she portrayed the role of Lex's wife, and in One Tree Hill, she played as the mother of Jake’s baby.

Emmanuelle Vaugier first acted on TV when she was 19 years old and it was when she landed a role in the Faye Dunaway starrer, A Family Divided. She also landed a guest role in one of Highlander’s episode. After a string of TV appearances and shows which includes appearances on nine episodes of Madison in 1996, she was finally given the chance to debut on films with the 1998 Patrick McGoohan - Amanda Plummer starrer Hysteria, a drama/science-fiction which was directed by Rene Daalder.

Playing as Susie in the film 40 Days and 40 Nights, which was released in 2002, brought her popularity to a higher level. Her other movies include Second Hand Lions (2007), Saw II (2005) and House of the Dead (2007).

Emmanuelle Vaugier was educated in an all-girls private school for 10 years. When she was 14 years old, she took up modeling classes and started to accept modeling gigs while still in high school. When she is not acting, she spends her time nurturing her two dogs, Lily and Isabelle. She was an animal lover and at the same time, a hiker.

With her attractive and sexy figure, she landed on the number 31 spot in Maxim Hot 100 List in 2006. Her sexy wallpapers and pictures can be seen on the internet and throughout reputable magazines.

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