Jo Garcia was born on August 3, 1980, in Spanish Harlem, New York. She had enrolled at the Ohio State University and also served the US Air Force for

Jo Garcia was born on August 3, 1980, in Spanish Harlem, New York. She had enrolled at the Ohio State University and also served the US Air Force for three years.
She had no modeling experience. However, she met Lindsey Vuolo. Lindsey was Playboy magazine’s Playmate of the Month for November 2001. She sent Jo’s pictures to Playboy. Playboy soon caught up with Jo Garcia and she was included in Playboy’s Cyber Girls of the Week in June 2007.
In October 2007, Jo Garcia was made the Cyber Girl of the Month by Playboy’s Cyber Club. In April 2008, Jo was named as 2008’s Cyber Girl of the Year.
Most Telling Trait... Her lips. Joanna's full lips imply she is very generous. She is also a great conversationalist. If you call her on the phone, expect to be talking for some time. Joanna's short upper lip may mean she takes criticism personally and is very conscious of her looks.
The Forehead: People with oval foreheads like Joanna's tend to be homebodies. Joanna loves to maintain projects and may be interest in health-related topics.
The Face: JoAnna has a wide face. She enjoys open spaces and being by the water. She is also young at heart and highly self-confident.
The Eyes: JoAnna has sparkling, flirtatious eyes. Guys may find her irresistible, which may well get her into trouble. She is a very emotional person and cares about others. She must set some time out for herself and her family or they will feel neglected.
The Nose: Ski-jump nose owners like JoAnna are natural volunteers. Money is not her focus. If JoAnna were in business for herself, she would have a hard time making a go of it unless she had a partner who handled money well. The rounded tip of her nose relates to her inquisitiveness. She loves scoping out the latest news.
The Cheekbones: Pronounced cheekbones imply JoAnna loves traveling and changing up her routine. She is fun to be with because of her sense of adventure.